This week I went in for my first surgery. It was a non-invasive Selective Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthening or “SPML” surgery for my hip adductors, hamstrings, gastrocs, biceps, and common flexors. I was also given alcohol blocks to the obturator nerve branches and biceps. These procedures will help prevent injuries by reducing the tension that could cause dislocations in my joints, especially my hips. Over time these procedures will help me attain a more normal body position as well as be more in control of my muscles and allow me to get the most out of my physical therapy.
The surgery was in NJ and just took a few hours. I came out of it just fine and went home that day and now I have this fancy brace that I wear to helps stabilize my hip and trunk and keep my bones and joints growing in properly. I'm very excited.