My Friend Alma

Another really nice thing that came out of the Napa program was my Mom getting to connect with another family who could use the support of Madeline's Movement.

Chaya Thanhauser and her daughter Alma were in the same session as me, and Alma also has CP. Alma needed an adaptive bath chair to allow her parents to bathe her safely. I knew exactly what she was going through, as my parents had come to the same crossroads.

My family got a Firefly Splashy chair, which improved bath time for everyone. We wanted to share that feeling with Alma, so Alma's family filled out the Madeline's Movement Application for Aid, and our board happily approved it.

Alma is loving her bath time even more, and her parents are loving the safety of the Splashy chair.

That got me thinking: Maybe Alma could use more supportive equipment. We had a fantastic wheelchair that I had outgrown but was in excellent condition. Alma's family was excited about the chair, so the foundation donated the wheelchair to her as well.

Now we're all sitting pretty.