Last year I had the most amazing experience getting to ski for the first time and this year thanks to the help of another non-profit I got to hit the slopes once more.
It was at Windham Mountain about 4 hours from my home in Long Island. I was helped by the Adaptive Ski & Sports Foundation, whom I rode with last year.
What made the ride even better was that I got to ski with my sister Marlowe AND had the same instructor (himself the father of two daughters with one who is also an Adaptive Skier) as last year.
We also got to speak with the Adaptive Sports Foundation staff who thanked our foundation so much for the portable Go-To Seat we donated to them. The staff there said the Go-To Seat we donated to them has been so popular for kids who have difficulty holding their heads up, they were looking for a second.
We shared the story with the Madeline’s Movement Board and they approved sending them a second chair! We couldn’t be more excited as they are such a deserving organization and I want to share the feeling of skiing with other kids just like me.